Dear Clients and Business Friends,
With the beginning of the year, we usually start to look back at our personal and professional lives and think about our plans for the future. What is in store for us? What challenges will we face in the New Year? We, too, reflect on these questions in the new issue of H&P Magazine.
Due to difficult circumstances, 2022 was a challenging year for many of us and brought unexpected events that we all faced, including ourselves and our clients. Being prepared, adapting, and not being caught off guard – that was the way to success in such a situation. Thanks to the extraordinary commitment, loyalty and professionalism of the entire HAVEL & PARTNERS team, we have once again proven that this approach is our own, and so we were prepared to be a support for our clients.
We are therefore very pleased that our clients have long appreciated our work, versatility and stability with extremely positive feedback, which has led to our firm becoming the most popular and best domestic law firm for the third consecutive year in 2022, according to the results of the Law Firm of the Year competition. At the same time, we also once again achieved extraordinary success on the international stage in 2022, being the best law firm in the Czech Republic for the third year in a row according to the Chambers Europe Awards.
It is the trust of you, our clients, that motivates us to continuously improve. Our priority is to be a reliable partner to whom you can turn with confidence in all circumstances. That is why we are always thinking ahead, looking for new challenges and preparing for them. And we want to prepare you for them as well. In the current issue of our magazine you will therefore find a number of articles, data and analyses, commentaries and interviews on current news and trends in the world of business and law that are relevant to your business.
A company that wants to be successful in the long term should always be one step ahead and invest in development and innovation. One of the ways is investing in start-ups, as colleagues from the venture capital team explain in their article. Credibility, prestige, but also new capital – these are the biggest benefits of offering company shares on the stock exchange. Experts from our capital markets team will advise you on the practical steps to a successful IPO. We are also seeing an increasingly important female element in business. What is the cause and what socio-economic changes are involved? Read the summary of our unique NextŽeny study on the phenomenon of wealth transfer to women.
We also add a range of news from the world of taxes, trade, e-commerce and other areas, and you will also learn about the legal pitfalls of a relationship with a foreign partner.
Thanks to our universality and specialisation in all areas of law, our network of contacts and proactive approach, we can effectively help you deal with any serious problems or crisis situations that may threaten your reputation, security or economic stability. In these cases, we offer high added-value legal and tax services complemented by our exceptional know-how in the areas of PR and security. No other law firm on the market offers such a range of services that effectively avert fatal damage or negative impacts on clients and their companies. Moreover, we are constantly striving to push the boundaries of our potential further.
Thank you for your trust. I wish you a useful and inspiring read, I look forward to working with you in 2023, and I trust that we will continue to be connected through success.